We are incredibly excited to announce that the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational is heading to Asia. 2019 marks the first major global event ever to take place in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and the first Mid-Season Invitational to take place in Taipei. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City will host the Play-In Stage and Group Stage respectively, and Taipei will host Semifinals and Finals (Knockout Stage).
The region has a storied history with League of Legends esports that dates back to 2012 when the Taipei Assassins won the World Championship and hoisted the Summoner’s Cup. Since then we’ve continued to see a growing interest in League of Legends esports and improvements to competitive infrastructure. Most recently 2018 saw the launch of the Vietnam Championship Series, a new regional league which can qualify teams directly into the World Championship. We wanted to recognize the tremendous progress of the region and the enthusiasm of its players by hosting one of our biggest events there.
What is the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational?
The 2019 Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) is a global League of Legends tournament. 13 regions will participate by sending their most recent split champion (Spring Split or Split 1) to face off against other regional champions in a fight for the title of ‘MSI Champion.’
This year MSI will be taking place in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Taipei. Previous Mid-Season Invitational tournaments have taken place in China, North America, Brazil, and Europe.
我們非常高興的在這邊宣布,2019 季中邀請賽將在亞洲舉辦!2019 第一個盛大的國際賽事將會於河內以及胡志明市舉辦,這也是季中邀請賽第一次來到台北。入圍賽以及小組賽將會分別在胡志明市以及河內開打,而最後的兩個階段,準決賽以及決賽(淘汰賽階段)將會於台北盛大展開。
該賽區的傳奇歷史起源於 2012 年,當時台北暗殺星以黑馬之姿贏得了世界冠軍,舉起了召喚師金盃。也是從那之後,我們看到了英雄聯盟電競的持續成長,而關於比賽的建設也不斷的改善。像是最近期 2018,我們看到了越南 Championship Series 的舉辦,這是一個新的區域聯賽,拔得頭籌者將可以獲得參與世界賽的門票。我們希望在這個地方舉辦國際性賽事後,能夠讓全世界的英雄聯盟玩家認識這個地方,了解這個地方在電競上的巨幅成長以及他們無盡的熱情。
甚麼是 2019 季中邀請賽?
2019 季中邀請賽(MSI)是全球性的英雄聯盟比賽,13 個區域將會派出他們的冠軍隊伍(春季聯賽或第一聯賽)來角逐,爭奪冠軍頭銜。
期待各位招喚師前來現場為拚戰的選手們加油! 我們現場見!
節 目 資 訊
演出日期:2019/5/17 (五)~2019/5/19 (日)
入場時間:5/17場次 16:00 5/18、5/19場次 13:00
演出時間:5/17場次 18:00 5/18、5/19場次 15:00
啟售時間:第一波2019/4/1 (一) 20:00~4/7 (日) 23:59
第二波2019/4/8 (一) 20:00
票 價:
5/17、5/18場次 NT$900/$600/$400
5/19場次 NT$1,100/$800/$500
Show Imformation
When and where is MSI 2019 taking place?
Knockout Stage (Semifinals & Finals):
May 17-19 at Heping Basketball Gymnasium in Taipei
When do doors open?
Knockout Stage: Doors open 2 hours before the show.
May 17: Doors open 16:00 CST for 18:00 show
May 18-19: Doors open 13:00 CST for 15:00 show
When do tickets go on sale?
For Knockout Stage (Semifinals & Finals):
Wave 1- April 1, 2019 20:00 CST (April 1 05:00 PDT)
Wave 2- April 8, 2019 20:00 CST (April 8 05:00 PDT)
How do I purchase tickets?
Knockout Stage tickets will be sold via KKTIX (https://riotgames.kktix.cc/events/lol-s66d3a6b).
How much will tickets be?
Area A (floor seats): 900 NTD
Area B: 600 NTD
Area C: 400 NTD
Area A (floor seats): 1100 NTD
Area B: 800 NTD
Area C: 500 NTD
購 票 方 式 說 明
[A Notice Of Membership Rights] Because of our system integration, your KKTIX membership needs to be reverified by E-mail address before you start the process of booking tickets. Please check on https://kktix.com/users/edit see if your E-mail address is verified or not. Please try not to use Yahoo or Hotmail address to register or verify, otherwise you may not receive the Verify Letter.
The purchase is available only for our members. Thus, please Register Member then verifies your E-mail address to start the booking process. We recommend that you Set Up your Name and Mobile&Tel. in Registration Profile. Pre-fill first to reduce the tickets booking time and move to the next step.
For protecting your rights and interests, we strongly recommend you DO NOT leave Yahoo or Hotmail address during the process of Member Register or Check Out, for fear that your Order Establishment Notification Letter may be blocked, missed or even be tagged as spam.
注 意 事 項